Life in Series
Series of paintings that reflect on technology and its power over our lives, especially around our freedom, independence and autonomy.
Man's search for meaning.
Man's search for meaning.
Istoria II
Series of paintings that implement ISTORIA, a concept by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), that emphasized that painting was "not to impress by its size but rather by its monumentality and dramatic content.”
óleo sobre tela, papel, 213 x 213 cm
óleo sobre tela, fósforos quemados, 213 x 213 cm
16 óleos sobre tela, hilo, 30 x 23 cm c/u.
óleo sobre tela, cinta de video, 127 x 107 cm
6 óleos sobre tela, acetate, 81 x 55 cm c/u
La Mosca, 1998, óleo sobre tela, papel, 213 x 213 cm
La Mosca (detalle)
Vaticano (puerta abierta), 1998, materiales mixtos, 152 x 114 cm
La Mosca, 1998, óleo sobre tela, papel, 213 x 213 cm
Istoria, Brewster Arts, New York, USA, 1998